You are currently browsing the daily archive for February 21, 2005.

So, I have a few minor obsessions. Sometimes I like to pretend I have OCD, but with the help of Town and the DSM-IV, we’ve discovered it more resembles obsessive-compulsive personality disorder. Still, I don’t really have. So we can add ‘pretending to have OCD to my list of obsessions.

At the moment, the list includes, but is not limited to:
-Lemony Snicket
-closing cupboard doors that other people leave open (maybe a compulsion?)
-picture books
-lighting (an acquired habit, courtesy of the Lighting and Thermostat Queen)
-Dansko clogs
-reading aloud from the New Yorker
-reading aloud in general
-reading blog archives

And folks, we’re fresh out of obsessions at the moment.

Someone just came to our door looking for the couple that used to live here. He didn’t have their phone number anymore, but felt like dropping by and seemed a little crushed when I answered the door (still wearing half of my uniform) (and normal clothes on the other half, don’t worry folks). Good luck! Hope you find them.

Another item of note is that I’ve just become aware of the existence of a secret blog. Shh…
Time to be domestic and prepare a tasty supper!

In case you were wondering, there is still a lot of chocolate cake left.

And roomie dear, have you been at the draino again? Because that shower is draining like a little piece of heaven.

I’m thinking of starting a little quiz. I give you a quote, you tell me who said it. Or you just enjoy the quote. Or ignore it. As you wish.

It’s not a perfect quote because I can’t be bothered to look it up, but you get the idea (it’s in translation anyway, hint hint) (and no, it’s not from a troparia or anything).

“Lay me down like a stone and raise me up like new bread.”

I’ve been having a lazy morning – sleeping in, sitting around in my pajamas, drinking coffee (Batdorf and Bronson – if you’re not drinking B&B, why not? The delicious Holiday Blend has gone the way of the holidays, but you could still be enjoying some Dancing Goats or Omar’s. Give it a try. I’m no coffee snob, but this stuff is good. Also, while we’re in a parentheses, a little shout-out to the girls who made this morning’s coffee experience all it could be – Tyka, for introducing B&B into our home and fueling a cream addiction, and Town for bringing us to the B&B mecca in Oly. And while we’re talking B&B, if you’re ever in the lovely City of Roses, go to the Yarn Garden, fill your arms with wool, and go next door to their new coffee shop which makes…B&B!)

Where was I? Oh yeah, so I said to myself as I started the coffee, ‘Self, you’re being so lazy this morning.’ But then I realized – it’s okay. For the following reasons:
1. This is my 8th consecutive day of work. In a 12 day work-week.
2. Today is a holiday. A holiday on which job 1 (the corporation that provides me with health care) doesn’t stop working but job 2 (the fair suburby city I grew up in) does. So, only 4 hours of work today!

I hate hate getting off work at 9 – if I didn’t love job 2 I would be tempted to stop – but it makes mornings like this possible. Laziness and coffee and not trying to merge into morning traffic.

I’m going to try and come up with a good story to tell, folks. It might take me a while.

February 2005

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