It’s a coffee morning.  Yum.  And I traded days with a library coworker, so I got to sleep in this morning instead of doing my usual rush to work (yeah yeah yeah, I know I don’t start until 10 am on Fridays, I’m a pathetic excuse for a working adult) – although, of course, that means I’m working tomorrow afternoon.  I’ll enjoy it now and work later.  Actually, I never mind going to the library – I just hate getting ready for work, packing a lunch, etc.

I’m starting to think about what I’ll bring to the annual Turkey Dinner in May that my parents host.  Last year I took home the rubber chicken in the side dish/dessert contest, so I need to find an appropriate follow-up recipe.  I’m thinking of using the Nectarine and Raspberry Tart recipe as a starting point, and doing some sort of variation.   Different fruit combinations on a similar base.  We’ve been joking about having a bake-off at work (not the library) because some of us regularly bring in homemade treats while others merely claim to be capable of such greatness.  So I’ve taken to taunting the alleged baker with descriptions of recipes like this one.  Taunting – if only that were a marketable job skill.

I think I’m going to have to make banana bread today – BUT I might branch out and try the recipe in my King Arthur Flour Whole Grain Baking, instead of the regular ol’ King Arthur Flour Baker’s Companion. Crazy, huh?  Do you think I’m working too hard to insert variety into my life?

In bookish news, I’m reading Maggie Stiefvater’s Lament, which has a lamentably (okay, I’ve had too much coffee) bad cover considering how much I’m enjoying it – there are some zinger one liners* in there.  I picked it up after reading Leila’s review (that woman could talk me into reading almost anything) – she recommends it to fans of Melissa Marr, and while the set-ups seem very similar, this one has a deliciously snarky edge that I didn’t see in Wicked Lovely.  And you know how I love my snarky edge.

*”This was possibly the first time anyone had ever expressed interest in my personal life, and I wasn’t sure if I should answer her or chronicle the event in my scrapbook.”