You are currently browsing the monthly archive for September 2005.

I love the piano in this one. It’s almost painfully old-fashioned, just as Q is almost painfully coy in church. I was trying to put this in the text of a blog, but it wouldn’t let me use the black and white version. So here’s a really long caption. It’s pouring rain, mercifully, and I’m going to go around the corner and drink something hot and write letters. This morning I want to have time to scrub the house, write letters, bake cookies, go for a walk, and make a lunch just as smashing as yesterday’s homemade pizza. Unfortunately there’s never enough time for everything, even if one has all day. Which I don’t. So I’d better get moving. Posted by Picasa

yum Posted by Picasa

I’m glad we got all that Eragon nonsense out of the way. It’s out of my house and out of my life. Instead, we’ve got the pleasant and entertaining substitute of Gregor the Overlander by Suzanne Collins. Yay for children’s fantasy! It’s not “wow” but I am whipping through it, and it has charm.

I’ve got all these things to write about but nothing is really settling down in my head. On my trip to Seattle/San Francisco, we had some conversations about how amongst friends who’ve known each other a while, some topics just don’t come up. Or you don’t feel comfortable asking questions. Or you learn something new about a person unexpectedly. What should I write about? What am I leaving out, here? I want questions and ideas, pretty please.

PS Did you know you can have a wedding registry on Amazon? That could be dangerous. Would I rather have flatware, sheets & a food processor, or every book I’ve ever wanted? Good thing I’m not getting married. Katy, you should have an Amazon registry.

Am I the only person in the world who thinks, “thank goodness it’s Monday, I can sleep in”? Cause I do. I had this Sunday deliciously off, but of course any Sunday off still involves getting up to teach Sunday school. But Monday? Monday I can sleep in. And Tuesday, too. And so on.

I had a dream where, if I remember correctly, there was some connection between rubbing my feet together and turning pages in a book. I get weird when I sleep, and any repetitive motion like that (or tossing & turning) takes on added meaning.

I can’t resist with the pictures, so there will be more, okay? Don’t try to stop me.

Sunday afternoon my sister called me from Strawberry Fields. Someone was playing “Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds” on his guitar, and when she heard “Lucy” she looked up before she realized it was just the song. Anyway, she called me, and I was at Saturday Market (and Sundays, too, don’t you know) perusing some socks. The socks were intended for an internet friend. Don’t make fun of me, I have internet friends. And we give each other socks. Anyway, I was suddenly overcome with sock altruism, and had Lucy pick out a pair of socks over the phone. The sister, she only wears Converse. She needs some good socks for the coming winter. So the socks are going with my mom on a red eye flight to New York, where they will grace my sister’s feet. Ah, socks – how I love fall.

At the moment I’m celebrating the cool weather with domestic glory – pumpkin bread. My love of pumpkin bread grows by the season. I grabbed a bread pan off a high shelf (while wondering why the bread pan triplets had been separated) and discovered, to my shock and amusement, that it appears to have been unwashed after its last use. Um, Katy? I know you’re engaged and all but I think we still need to wash our dishes…

Excuse me, but I must get back to my preheating oven.

Can you tell I’m having too much fun touching up pictures on the computer? Posted by Picasa

Recently fortified with coffee, Annie strikes a pose. Posted by Picasa

One of those days when someone takes your picture and you think, “oh, THAT’S what I look like today. Huh.” What does your son think of this one with glasses, Babelbabe? Posted by Picasa

No, really??? PS, this is NOT our church. Posted by Picasa

I show up on a google search for obsessive behavior! My life dreams have been realized and I can retire in peace.

As soon as I can pull myself up off the couch, I’ll have some tidbits from a photo shoot earlier this afternoon.

Meanwhile, stories from Sunday school:

I have a new mix this year – some kids who were in 1st grade last year who I have again, some kids who moved up from the preschool/kindergarten room, and some altogether new kids. So I had them all introduce themselves – name, how old they are, and anything else they wanted to say. I said, “I’m 24” and you could see the shock on their little faces. She’s old. Twenty-four? I’ll never be that old. One boy announced that his father is 14. He then corrected it to 40. Neither number is correct.

The second shock to them was that I don’t live with my parents and brother and sister. Gasp! Some of them have been to our apartment, but one girl, reeling from shock, asked “Why don’t you live with your family?” Well, sweetie, you grow up and you get the hell out. I love my family, but there comes a time…

When it came time to draw pictures of our families, I gave them free reign with who to include. John’s picture was of himself and three rather striking chickens.

I think I’ll make it through another year.

Oh my goodness, do you have any idea how many ugly dresses there are in the world? I mean, I always knew there were lots of ugly dresses, and that bridesmaids’ dresses were notoriously ugly, but try walking into the formal section of any department store. Come on, I dare you. Or rather, if you’re concerned for your mental well-being – don’t. The dresses? They are ugly.

In other news, I’ve been browsing through Target’s guide to throwing a “fabulous” bridal shower. Things like “one month ahead, rent catering equipment.” My favorite item, though, is day of: “pour yourself a drink!” Yes please!

Internets, I have a confession – I find this all fascinating. Like a sociological study. I may pretend to whine, and as it gets closer I may indeed whine, but right now, it’s pure entertainment.

And oh my goodness, I just had a Coffee People milkshake way too fast and the caffeine is coursing through my veins. The caffeine and the sugar. And I am off to do a spa party. Fueled by caffeine and sugar!

Please continue the Anne/Emily & Teddy/Dean conversations – they are most enjoyable. I always sympathized with Emily more than Anne, but I never found her relationship as satisfying to read about. But her italics? Oh, I loved her italics.

September 2005

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