You are currently browsing the daily archive for September 25, 2005.

Can you tell I’m having too much fun touching up pictures on the computer? Posted by Picasa

Recently fortified with coffee, Annie strikes a pose. Posted by Picasa

One of those days when someone takes your picture and you think, “oh, THAT’S what I look like today. Huh.” What does your son think of this one with glasses, Babelbabe? Posted by Picasa

No, really??? PS, this is NOT our church. Posted by Picasa

I show up on a google search for obsessive behavior! My life dreams have been realized and I can retire in peace.

As soon as I can pull myself up off the couch, I’ll have some tidbits from a photo shoot earlier this afternoon.

Meanwhile, stories from Sunday school:

I have a new mix this year – some kids who were in 1st grade last year who I have again, some kids who moved up from the preschool/kindergarten room, and some altogether new kids. So I had them all introduce themselves – name, how old they are, and anything else they wanted to say. I said, “I’m 24” and you could see the shock on their little faces. She’s old. Twenty-four? I’ll never be that old. One boy announced that his father is 14. He then corrected it to 40. Neither number is correct.

The second shock to them was that I don’t live with my parents and brother and sister. Gasp! Some of them have been to our apartment, but one girl, reeling from shock, asked “Why don’t you live with your family?” Well, sweetie, you grow up and you get the hell out. I love my family, but there comes a time…

When it came time to draw pictures of our families, I gave them free reign with who to include. John’s picture was of himself and three rather striking chickens.

I think I’ll make it through another year.

September 2005

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