I think I’m finally getting my shelf of library books under control (although I suspect it won’t stay that way for long).  Now, if I could just get my pile of “currently reading” books down to a manageable size, I’d be in business.  There are a few that I’ve been “reading” for quite a while, like The Forsyte Saga, which is too big to lug around and sits next to my bed.  Or The Long Winter, which I started reading back during Artic Blast ’08 and never finished.  Then there are the ones that I started but had to return to the library, since they were on hold, and which I’m still waiting to get back – The Mysterious Benedict Society and the Perilous Journey and the newish edition of Pippi Longstocking illustrated by Lauren Child.

I’m actively reading just a few books – I have the third Maisie Dobbs, Pardonable Lies, on audio in the car, and I just picked up Sandra Gulland’s Mistress of the Sun.  There might be something else lying around.  I just finished Marcelo in the Real World last night – one of those YA books that could be marketed just as easily to adults as teens.  I definitely recommend it, and I’m trying to digest it a bit more before I review it.  It’s early in the year for predictions, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see it popping up on awards lists later.

In food news, I’m roasting a chicken – my first.  I’ve done a few whole chickens in the crock-pot, which is pretty failproof, so this is a fun adventure.  Just thinking about it is making me hungry – it hasn’t even started smelling good yet.  I’m really enjoying this whole post-Lent, eat whatever you please phase – a few weeks of rice and beans makes a fried egg or a roast chicken or a slice of cheese just heavenly.  Sometimes, it’s actually hard to remember what I like to eat – it’s easier to just incorporate a few foods at a time.  Last week was homemade pizza (with spicy Italian sausage, red pepper, mushrooms, and sauted onions) and this week is the chicken.  I’d like to try baking some new things – I’ve made lemon bars (for Easter dinner), brownies (for a fundraiser) and banana bread, but none are all old favorites.

Ooh, the chicken is starting to sizzle and smell good.  Time to go drool over it.