I seem unable to make up my mind as to whether I prefer long hair or short hair.  In the mean time, it just keeps growing. I’m thinking about letting it grow long enough to cut off and donate.  It seems silly to cut off so much and toss.  Boy could someone make a lot of wigs out of my hair.  I could probably cover two or three heads with what I’ve got.  It’s insane.  Whenever I think about it, the hair debate and the question of donating, I hearken back to that childhood favorite, the Katharine Hepburn version of Little Women, and hear Amy’s stricken voice crying, “Jo, how could you?  Your one beauty!”  I always did want to be like Jo.

What is one to do with long hair while it lasts?  Let your friend with a thing for 40s hairstyles put it up in pin curls.  So I went over to Annie’s on Saturday night and she put approximately 500 hairpins and a lot of setting lotion in my hair, and we wrapped it all up in a kerchief and I slept on it.

Sadly that was the same night that I was struck down by a cold, so I slept poorly and plagued by hairpins.  But it was all joy and light and, um, incredible volume when brushed out in the morning.

Then Annie did it up in some rolls and I looked like I was ready to go to a dance with my sweetheart before he went off to war.

I messed around with a little bit, inbetween periods of lying on the couch and moaning, and ended up just pinning the sides.

Super fun.  Too bad I worked late last night or I would’ve had Annie to the curls again for a Halloween costume.  As it is, I’ve sent Kitri off to work in my uniform and I’ve got to think of something to throw together before I go to the library.